For my post this month, I wanted to present the entirety of a tutorial I just created for learning to use Cakelisp. The most up-to-date version will be kept here.


This tutorial will introduce you to Cakelisp's most unique feature, compile-time code generation. I'm not going to introduce fundamental programming constructs like variables or conditional logic---I'm going to focus on what makes Cakelisp special. This is the most important thing to cover because it is the least familiar to new users from other languages.


  • Experience writing C or C++ programs. If you're just learning how to program, you should learn a different language rather than Cakelisp for now.


First, download Cakelisp. You can also clone it through git. The URL is

Unzip the file, if you downloaded it manually.

Cakelisp's repository

The following section may be skipped. It serves as a quick introduction to the collection of files you downloaded.

Cakelisp consists of the following major components:

A collection of C++ files

The core of Cakelisp itself is in the src/ directory.

These files define the functionality of Cakelisp:

  • Tokenizer: Turns .cake text files into arrays of tokens, which is easier to work with
  • Evaluator: Uses the arrays of tokens as instructions on how to manipulate the "Environment"
  • Generators: Invoked by the evaluator, generators create C/C++ text output
  • Writer: Writes generated outputs to C/C++-language text files
  • Module manager: Handles the separation of files into modules and performs the high-level procedure
  • Build system: Invokes the compiler, linker, and dynamic loader as necessary to build your program

You don't need to know exactly what these do for now.


The runtime/ directory stores .cake files which provide various features:

  • CHelpers.cake provide various helper macros and generators for writing C/C++ code
  • CppHelpers.cake provide C++-only features
  • Cakelisp.cake makes it possible to run cakelisp while within another cakelisp compile-time phase
  • ComptimeHelpers.cake gives powerful tools for writing macros, generators, and other compile-time-only code

...and more. With the C/CPP helpers files, they have any language feature that wasn't essential to include in Generators.cpp as "built-ins".

Nothing in runtime/ will actually affect your program unless you explicitly import them.

Supplementary things

  • doc/ folder contains Cakelisp documentation
  • tools/ holds 3rd-party configuration files for making other tools work with Cakelisp
  • test/ consists of several .cake files used to test the language while it is developed

Preparing your environment

Cakelisp relies on a C++ compiler and linker to perform various things. Your system needs to have a C++ toolchain set up.

  • On Windows, download and install Visual Studio for best results
  • On Linux, your system should already have g++ or clang++ installed
  • On Mac, you need clang++

Once these prerequisites are satisfied, do the following:

  • Windows: Run Build.bat
  • Linux: Run
  • Mac: (TODO) Run

If the script fails, please email [email protected] so I can help you and make this build step more robust.

If they succeed, you now have a working cakelisp binary in the bin/ directory!

A note on installs

The language is changing fast enough that I recommend against doing a system-wide installation of cakelisp. If you are using version control, you should check in the entirety of Cakelisp as a submodule so that you always have the compatible version for that project.

First program

Let's make sure everything is working. Create a new file Hello.cake and edit it to have the following:

(c-import "<stdio.h>")

(defun main (&return int)
  (fprintf stderr "Hello, Cakelisp!\n")
  (return 0))

If you're familiar with C (which you probably should be; I will basically assume you are in this tutorial), this should be pretty simple.

We're just getting started though; this language is much more than C with more parentheses.

Build the file with the following command (adjust to make it cakelisp.exe on Windows, if necessary):

./bin/cakelisp --execute Hello.cake

If everything is set up properly, you should see:

Successfully built and linked a.out
Hello, Cakelisp!

You can see that it not only built, but ran the output executable for us, thanks to that --execute option.

If you run that same command again, you'll see slightly different output:

No changes needed for a.out
Hello, Cakelisp!

Cakelisp's build system automatically caches build artifacts and only rebuilds things when you make changes.

Special sauce

"Hello World" is pretty boring. Let's write a program that would be difficult to write in a language without Cakelisp's features.

Let's write a program which takes the name of a command and executes it, much like git does (e.g. git add or git commit, where add and commit are commands).

However, to show off Cakelisp, we're going to have the following rule:

Adding a command should be as easy as writing a function.

This means no boilerplate is allowed.

Taking user input

Modify our main function to take command-line arguments:

(defun main (num-arguments int
             arguments ([] (* char))
             &return int)
  (unless (= 2 num-arguments)
    (fprintf stderr "Expected command argument\n")
    (return 1))
  (fprintf stderr "Hello, Cakelisp!\n")
  (return 0))

By convention, names are written in Kebab style, e.g. num-arguments rather than numArguments or num_arguments. This is purely up to you to follow or ignore, however.

Now, if we build, we should see the following:

Successfully built and linked a.out
Expected command argument
error: execution of a.out returned non-zero exit code 256

You can see that Cakelisp --execute output additional info because we returned a non-zero exit code. This is useful if you are using --execute in a process chain to run Cakelisp code just like a script.

TODO: Currently, Cakelisp --execute has no way to forward arguments to your output executable. From now on, remove the --execute and run it like so, adjusting accordingly for your platform (e.g. output.exe instead of a.out):

./bin/cakelisp Hello.cake && ./a.out MyArgument

Doing the build on the same command as your execution will make sure that you don't forget to build after making changes.

You should now see:

Hello, Cakelisp!

Getting our macro feet wet

In order to associate a function with a string input by the user, we need a lookup table. The table will have a string as a key and a function pointer as a value.

However, we need to follow our rule that no human should have to write boilerplate like this, because that would make it more difficult than writing a function.

We will accomplish this by creating a macro. Macros in Cakelisp let you execute arbitrary code at compile time and generate new tokens for the evaluator to evaluate.

These are unlike C macros, which only do string pasting.

Let's write our first macro:

(defmacro hello-from-macro ()
  (tokenize-push output
    (fprintf stderr "Hello from macro land!\n"))
  (return true))

tokenize-push is a generator where the first argument is a token array to output to, and the rest are tokens to output.

We will learn more about it as we go through this tutorial.

Every macro can decide whether it succeeded or failed, which is why we (return true) to finish the macro. This gives you the chance to perform input validation, which isn't possible in C macros.

Invoke the macro in main:

(defun main (num-arguments int
             arguments ([] (* char))
             &return int)
  (unless (= 2 num-arguments)
    (fprintf stderr "Expected command argument\n")
    (return 1))
  (fprintf stderr "Hello, Cakelisp!\n")
  (return 0))

And observe that "Hello from macro land!" is now output.

Why use a macro?

In this simple example, our macro should just be a function. It would look exactly the same, though wouldn't need a return or tokenize-push:

(defun hello-from-function ()
  (fprintf stderr "Hello from function land!\n"))

We're going to use the macro to generate additional boilerplate, which is what a function cannot do.

Making our macro do more

Let's make a new macro for defining commands:

(defmacro defcommand (command-name symbol arguments array &rest body any)
  (tokenize-push output
    (defun (token-splice command-name) (token-splice arguments)
      (token-splice-rest body tokens)))
  (return true))

This macro now defines a function (defun) with name command-name spliced in for the name token, as well as function arguments and a body.

We now take arguments to the macro, which are defined similarly to function arguments, but do not use C types.

The arguments say defcommand must take at least three arguments, where the last argument may mark the start of more than three arguments (it will take the rest, hence &rest).

There are only a few types which can be used to validate macro arguments:

  • symbol, e.g. my-thing, 4.f, 'my-flag, or even 'a'
  • array, always an open parenthesis
  • string, e.g. "This is a string"
  • any, which will take any of the above types. This is useful in cases where the macro can accept a variety of types

The first argument is going to be the name of the command. We chose type symbol because we want the command definition to look just like a function:

(defun hello-from-function () ;; hello-from-function is a symbol
  (fprintf stderr "Hello from function land!\n"))

(defcommand hello-from-command () ;; hello-from-command is also a symbol
  (fprintf stderr "Hello from command land!\n"))

;;(defcommand "hello-from-bad-command" () ;; "hello-from-bad-command" is a string
;;  (fprintf stderr "Hello from command land!\n"))
;; This would cause our macro to error:
;; error: command-name expected Symbol, but got String

In this example, defcommand will output the following in its place:

(defun hello-from-command ()
  (fprintf stderr "Hello from command land!\n"))

Compile-time variables

Okay, but a C macro could slap some strings around like that! Let's do something a C macro could not: create the lookup table automatically.

We need to add the command to a compile-time list so that code can be generated for runtime to look up the function by name.

For this, we need some external help, because we don't know how to save data for later during compile-time. Add this to the top of your Hello.cake:

(import &comptime-only "ComptimeHelpers.cake")

This ComptimeHelpers.cake file provides a handy macro, get-or-create-comptime-var. We import it to tell Cakelisp that we need that file to be loaded into the environment. We include &comptime-only because we know we won't use any code in it at runtime.

However, if we try to build now, we get an error:

Hello.cake:1:24: error: file not found! Checked the following paths:
Checked if relative to Hello.cake
Checked search paths:
error: failed to evaluate Hello.cake

Cakelisp doesn't know where ComptimeHelpers.cake is. We need to add its directory to our search paths before the import:

(add-cakelisp-search-directory "runtime")
(import &comptime-only "ComptimeHelpers.cake")

This allows you to move things around as you like without having to update all the imports. You would otherwise need relative or absolute paths to find files. You only need to add the directory once. The entire Environment and any additional imports will use the same search paths.

Next, let's invoke the variable creation macro. You can look at its signature to see what you need to provide:

(defmacro get-or-create-comptime-var (bound-var-name (ref symbol) var-type (ref any)
                                    &optional initializer-index (index any))

It looks just like a regular variable declaration, only this one will share the variable's value during the entire compile-time phase.

Let's create our lookup list. We'll use a C++ std::vector, as it is common in Cakelisp internally and accessible from any macro or generator (TODO: This will change once the interface becomes C-compatible):

(defmacro defcommand (command-name symbol arguments array &rest body any)

  (get-or-create-comptime-var command-table (<> (in std vector) (* (const Token))))
  (call-on-ptr push_back command-table command-name)

  (tokenize-push output
    (defun (token-splice command-name) (token-splice arguments)
      (token-splice-rest body tokens)))
  (return true))

We take a pointer to const Token to contain our command function name.

Finally, let's invoke our defcommand macro to test it:

(defcommand say-your-name ()
  (fprintf stderr "your name.\n"))

If we build and run this, nothing visibly changes! We are storing the command-table, but not outputting it anywhere useful.

Compile-time hooks

defcommand is collating a list of command names in command-table. We want to take that table and convert it to a static array for use at runtime.

The problem is we don't know when defcommand commands are going to finish being defined. We don't know the right time to output the table, because more commands might be discovered during compile-time evaluation.

The solution to this is to use a compile-time hook. These hooks are special points in Cakelisp's build procedure where you can insert arbitrary compile-time code.

In this case, we want to use the post-references-resolved hook. This hook is invoked when Cakelisp runs out of missing references, which are things like an invocation of a macro which hasn't yet been defined.

This hook is the perfect time to add more code for Cakelisp to evaluate.

It can be executed more than once. This is because we might add more references that need to be resolved from our hook. Cakelisp will continue to run this phase until the dust settles and no more new code is added.

Creating our compile-time code generator

We use a special generator, defun-comptime, to tell Cakelisp to compile and load the function for compile-time execution.

We attach the compile-time function to compile-time hooks, or call from macros or generators.

It's time to create a compile-time function which will create our runtime command look-up table.

(defun-comptime create-command-lookup-table (environment (& EvaluatorEnvironment)
                                             was-code-modified (& bool) &return bool)
  (return true))

(add-compile-time-hook post-references-resolved

Each hook has a pre-defined signature, which is what the environment and other arguments are. If you use the wrong signature, you will get a helpful error saying what the expected signature was.

From our previous note on post-references-resolved we learned that our hook can be invoked multiple times. Let's store a comptime var to prevent it from being called more than once:

(defun-comptime create-command-lookup-table (environment (& EvaluatorEnvironment)
                                             was-code-modified (& bool) &return bool)
  (get-or-create-comptime-var command-table-already-created bool false)
  (when (deref command-table-already-created)
    (return true))
  (set (deref command-table-already-created) true)
  (return true))

We have to make the decision to do this ourselves because we might actually want a hook to respond to many iterations of post-references-resolved. In this case however, we want it to run only once.

Our compile-time function is now hooked up and running when all references are resolved, but it's doing nothing.

Let's get our command table and make a loop to iterate over it, printing each command:

(defun-comptime create-command-lookup-table (environment (& EvaluatorEnvironment)
                                           was-code-modified (& bool) &return bool)
  (get-or-create-comptime-var command-table-already-created bool false)
  (when (deref command-table-already-created)
    (return true))
  (set (deref command-table-already-created) true)

  (get-or-create-comptime-var command-table (<> (in std vector) (* (const Token))))
  (for-in command-name (* (const Token)) (deref command-table)
    (printFormattedToken stderr (deref command-name))
    (fprintf stderr "\n"))
  (return true))

You can see we called printFormattedToken, which is a function available to any compile-time code. It uses a camelCase style to tell you it is defined in C/C++, not Cakelisp.

If all goes well, we should see this output:

No changes needed for a.out
Hello, Cakelisp!
Hello from macro land!

You can see it lists the name before the "No changes needed for a.out" line. This is a sign it is running during compile-time, because the "No changes" line doesn't output until the build system stage.

It's Tokens all the way down

At this point, we know it's printing successfully, so we have our list. We now need to get this list from compile-time to generated code for runtime.

To do this, we will generate a new array of Tokens and tell Cakelisp to evaluate them, which results in generating the code to define the lookup table.

We need to create the Token array such that it can always be referred back to in case there are errors. We do this by making sure to allocate it on the heap so that it does not go away on function return or scope exit:

(var command-data (* (<> std::vector Token)) (new (<> std::vector Token)))
(call-on push_back (field environment comptimeTokens) command-data)

We add to the Environment's comptimeTokens list so that the Environment will helpfully clean up the tokens for us at the end of the process.

We know we need two things for each command:

  • Name of the command, as a string
  • Function pointer to the command, so it can be called at runtime

We're going to use the name provided to defcommand for the name, but we need to turn it into a string so that it is properly written:

(var command-name-string Token (deref command-name))
(set (field command-name-string type) TokenType_String)

We copy command-name into command-name-string, which copies the contents of command-name and various other data. We then change the type of command-name-string to TokenType_String so that it is parsed and written to have double quotation marks.

The function pointer will actually just be command-name spliced in, because the name of the command is the same as the function that defines it.

We can use tokenize-push to create the data needed for each command:

(tokenize-push (deref command-data)
  (array (token-splice-addr command-name-string)
         (token-splice command-name)))

We use token-splice-addr because command-name-string is a Token, not a pointer to a Token like command-name.

Let's output the generated command data to the console to make sure it's good. Here's the full create-command-lookup-table so far:

(defun-comptime create-command-lookup-table (environment (& EvaluatorEnvironment)
                                             was-code-modified (& bool) &return bool)
  (get-or-create-comptime-var command-table-already-created bool false)
  (when (deref command-table-already-created)
    (return true))
  (set (deref command-table-already-created) true)

  (get-or-create-comptime-var command-table (<> (in std vector) (* (const Token))))

  (var command-data (* (<> std::vector Token)) (new (<> std::vector Token)))
  (call-on push_back (field environment comptimeTokens) command-data)

  (for-in command-name (* (const Token)) (deref command-table)
    (printFormattedToken stderr (deref command-name))
    (fprintf stderr "\n")

    (var command-name-string Token (deref command-name))
    (set (field command-name-string type) TokenType_String)

    (tokenize-push (deref command-data)
      (array (token-splice-addr command-name-string)
             (token-splice command-name))))

  (prettyPrintTokens (deref command-data))
  (return true))

And our full output:

(array "say-your-name" say-your-name)
No changes needed for a.out
Hello, Cakelisp!
Hello from macro land!

Creating the lookup table

We need to define the runtime structure to store the lookup table's data for each command. We also need to define a fixed signature for the commands so that C/C++ knows how to call them.

Add this before main:

;; Our command functions take no arguments and return nothing
(def-function-signature command-function ())

(defstruct-local command-metadata
  name (* (const char))
  command command-function)

Now the runtime knows what the layout of the data is. In create-command-lookup-table, let's generate another array of tokens to hold the runtime lookup table variable:

(var command-table-tokens (* (<> std::vector Token)) (new (<> std::vector Token)))
(call-on push_back (field environment comptimeTokens) command-table-tokens)

(tokenize-push (deref command-table-tokens)
  (var command-table ([] command-metadata)
    (array (token-splice-array (deref command-data)))))

(prettyPrintTokens (deref command-table-tokens))

We declare command-table to be an array of command-metadata, which we just defined.

We then splice in the whole command-data array, which should now contain all the commands.

We now get:

(array "say-your-name" say-your-name)
(var command-table ([] command-metadata)
  (array (array "say-your-name" say-your-name)))
Successfully built and linked a.out
Hello, Cakelisp!
Hello from macro land!

Putting it somewhere

We have created our code, but we need to find a place to put it relative to the other code in our Hello.cake module.

This matters because Cakelisp is constrained by declaration/definition order, a constraint imposed by using C/C++ as output languages.

We know we want to use command-table in main to run the command indicated by the user-provided argument. That means we need to declare command-table before main is defined.

We use a splice point to save a spot to insert code later. Define a splice point right above the (defun main definition:

(splice-point command-lookup-table)

Finally, let's evaluate our generated code, outputting it to the splice point. We'll change create-command-lookup-table to return the result of the evaluation. We set was-code-modified to tell Cakelisp that we actually made changes that may need more processing.

(set was-code-modified true)
(return (ClearAndEvaluateAtSplicePoint environment "command-lookup-table" command-table-tokens))

And to make sure it works, we will reference command-table in main. We will list all the available commands, but this time, at runtime.

Update our import to include CHelpers.cake, which has a handy macro for iterating over static arrays:

(import &comptime-only "ComptimeHelpers.cake" "CHelpers.cake")

In main, add the code to list commands. Put it at the very start of the function so it always occurs:

(fprintf stderr "Available commands:\n")
(each-in-array command-table i
  (fprintf stderr "  %s\n"
           (field (at i command-table) name)))

And check the output:

(array "say-your-name" say-your-name)
(var command-table ([] command-metadata)
  (array (array "say-your-name" say-your-name)))
Successfully built and linked a.out
Available commands:
Hello, Cakelisp!
Hello from macro land!

Try adding another defcommand to make sure it is added to the list.

Running commands

Let's finish up by actually taking the user input and calling the appropriate command.

We need strcmp, so we'll update our c-import to include it straight from the C standard library:

(c-import "<stdio.h>" "<string.h>")

And, in main, after we've confirmed we have enough arguments, we check the command table and run the command!

(var found bool false)
(each-in-array command-table i
  (when (= 0 (strcmp (field (at i command-table) name) (at 1 arguments)))
    (call (field (at i command-table) command))
    (set found true)
(unless found
  (fprintf stderr "error: could not find command '%s'\n" (at 1 arguments))
  (return 1))

Now, we can see our output in different scenarios.

Building only:

> ./bin/cakelisp test/Tutorial_Basics.cake
  (array "say-your-name" say-your-name)
  (var command-table ([] command-metadata)
    (array (array "say-your-name" say-your-name)))
  Successfully built and linked a.out

Running with no arguments:

> ./a.out
  Available commands:
  Expected command argument

Running with an invalid command:

> ./a.out foo
  Available commands:
  Hello, Cakelisp!
  Hello from macro land!
  error: could not find command 'foo'

And finally, running a valid command:

> ./a.out say-your-name
  Available commands:
  Hello, Cakelisp!
  Hello from macro land!
  your name.


The complete tutorial code can be found in test/Tutoral_Basics.cake.

You can see it's now as easy to define a command as defining a new function, so we achieved our goal.

We had to do work up-front to generate the code, but that work is amortized over all the time saved each time we add a new command. It also changes how willing we are to make commands.

Going further

There are a number of different things you could do with this:

  • Commands could optionally provide a help string
  • Code modification could be used to read all functions rather than requiring the use of defcommand
  • Support for arguments could be added

You made it!

If you are feeling overwhelmed, it's okay. Most languages do not expose you to these types of features.

This tutorial threw you into the deep end of the most advanced Cakelisp feature. This is to showcase the language and to reassure you---If you can understand compile-time code generation, you can understand Cakelisp!

It can take some time to appreciate the power that compile-time code generation and code modification give you. It really is a different way of thinking. Here are some examples where it really was a killer feature:

You can see that this one feature makes possible many things which would be very cumbersome to do without it.

Learning more

Reading documentation

The doc/ folder contains many files of interest, especially There you will find much more detailed documentation than this tutorial provides.

Cakelisp self-documentation

Cakelisp provides some features to inspect its built-in generators. From the command line:

./bin/cakelisp --list-built-ins

...lists all the possible generators built in to Cakelisp. This is especially useful when you forget the exact name of a built-in.

./bin/cakelisp --list-built-ins-details

This version will list all built-ins as well as provide details for them.

Reading code

The best way to learn Cakelisp is to read existing code.

There are examples in test/ and runtime/. You can find extensive real-world usage of Cakelisp on

GameLib is the closest thing to a package manager you will find in Cakelisp land. It provides powerful features as well as easy importing for a number of 3rd-party C and C++ libraries.